Broadcasting Truth requires partners like you

Confronting today’s culture of lies and misinformation demands the Lord’s discernment and the collective effort of like-minded partners. When you give to Talk Truth Ministries, you are actively advancing the Kingdom of God.

Your support is not just a transaction; it is a partnership. We believe the Lord has uniquely guided you to stand with us. Thank you for joining us in this mission to glorify Him and set the captives free.

Seek God’s guidance and ask if He’s calling you to give. If He says yes, then ask Him how much. If He says no, we’d be grateful if you’d keep us in your prayers. Love you! – Allan Hunsperger

Donate by phone: 1-800-445-3450

Monthly or One-time gift

Donate by Mail

Make cheques payable to:
Talk Truth Ministries
4904 South Power Road, Suite 103-152
Mesa, Arizona 85212

Donate by Phone

Call: 1-800-445-3450

Need Prayer? Call us at: 1-800-445-3450

Become a Guardian of Truth and help us preserve the truth!

Facts matter. Truth is not subjective. We are dedicated to ensuring its survival across America.

Become a Guardian of Truth monthly donor and help us preserve the truth.

Monthly gifts can be set up in any amount and are processed automatically for your convenience. All donations are fully tax deductible. You may cancel at any time. 

Join the Guardians of Truth today!

Other ways to give

Gifts of stocks / shares

One of the most efficient ways to give is to donate publicly traded stocks or shares.  When you transfer appreciated shares to our designated broker, there are no capital gains tax paid, ensuring that the full value of your donation goes to our work, not the government. Official tax receipts are issued for the full transaction amount. Want to know more? Give us a call at 1-800-445-3450

Wills and estates

Did you know that only 50% of Americans have a current will for their estate? As you’re considering your end-of-life wishes, consider leaving a legacy gift to help advance the work of Talk Truth Ministries across America. There is no cost to you now and you can change your estate plans at any time. Please feel to call us anytime you have questions at 1-800-445-3450.