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Many brothers and sisters who helped make Christian radio legal in Canada are no longer with us. The same is true in the pro-life movement—many never saw Roe v. Wade overturned. The truth is we do not often see the final results of our Kingdom work for our Lord.
“And yet, Lord God, you have bidden me buy the field and have the deed witnessed, even though the city is to be given into the power of the Chaldaeans!” — Jeremiah 32:25
And yet. And yet that understanding does not stop us from giving of our time, our energy, our money, and our prayers towards building the Kingdom of God here and now, for His Glory.
We invite you to be still and ask the Lord if you should make Talk Truth Media a beneficiary of your will. Doing so, ensures that Talk Truth remains on the air, continues to expand to greater audiences, and preserves His truth and glory, until He returns.
Next, ask God if it should be a residual gift or specific amount. Residual gifts are the remaining amount given after all estate obligations have been met. There may be several beneficiaries, so gifts are usually made as a percentage (35% of residue, for example). Or you can simply specify a precise amount.
The next step is to ask Him if the gift should be restricted (designated) to certain program areas (like radio station acquisition, daily operations, Talk Truth production, among others) or if it should be made unrestricted for the Lord’s revealed priorities to Allan and Corri.
If you have already included Talk Truth Media in your will, we offer our gratitude, and ask that you let us know so that we may thank you. For those who wish to give anonymously, all bequests will remain confidential.
Talk Truth Media is a CRA-registered non-profit organization. All donations receive an official tax receipt.
CRA #: 856779533 RR 0001.
God bless you for your faithfulness.
One of the most efficient and impactful ways to give is to gifts of appreciated shares. When you transfer shares to our designated broker, there is no capital gains tax paid, ensuring that the full value of your donation goes to support our work, not the government. Official tax receipts are issued for the full transactional amount.
Gifts of vehicles, recreational or underused property, or other appreciated assets are highly impactful and tax-smart methods of giving that eliminate capital gains tax and provide an official tax receipt for the full market value of the asset. Call us today to learn how. 555.555.5555
Honor a family member or a Christian brother or sister who ran the race for Jesus. We will post your tribute message on our website. Gifts may also be made anonymously.
Talk Truth Ministries
4904 South Power Road
Suite 103-152
Mesa, Arizona 85212